The Leigh Academy Ofsted Report

See the following letter sent out to parents/carers from The Leigh Academy’s Principal, Julia Collins:

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to be able to share with you our Ofsted report from our recent inspection on 25th & 26th April 2023.

It is an excellent report that we are truly proud of; as it reflects the character and ethos of our academy that “opens minds to success.”. The report captures some real highlights of life at The Leigh Academy and the excellent education provided, with a “curriculum [that] prepares pupils well for the future.” As well as the IB curriculum that develops character and IB profiles and teaches pupils to be “resilient and respectful learners.”

Inspectors have commented upon the “high quality pastoral care pupils receive means that they feel safe and happy” and the “exceptional opportunities” that we offer for all of our young people. They felt that our ‘healthy minds’ programme is “extremely well-thought-out [and] covers all the important topics” for our learners.

The opening paragraph in particular, is a pleasure to read as “Pupils are proud to be part of The Leigh Academy. They enjoy school and the friendships they develop. Bullying is rare and always followed up. The working relationships pupils have with staff are strong. Pupils enjoy their lessons and want to do their best.” I am proud that the hard work and dedication of our staff and pupils has been recognised.

The report goes on to highlight that “high expectations are embedded” and the inspectors found that “pupils learning is fun and keeps them hooked” and that “staff understand pupils’ needs. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

Read the full report here.

As this was a two-day Section 8 inspection, inspectors were here to verify and conclude that “The Leigh Academy continues to be a good school” in all areas. This is no mean feat in the post pandemic era, and when the benchmark for ‘Good’ is at the highest level it has ever been. The Ofsted inspection was thorough, robust and professionally rigorous.

I would like to thank parents as well as the Leigh leadership team, Leigh staff, our governors and Trust leaders who supported us through the inspection and support us always in our ambition to provide the very best education, experiences and opportunities to our community of young people. Thank you too, to all of our pupils who were proud to showcase their academy to the inspectors and continue to conduct themselves to our highest standards.

Yours faithfully,

Julia Collins
Principal | The Leigh Academy