Mascalls Academy
LAT Central Academies

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Mascalls Academy community. As a successful and popular academy, we provide our students with the opportunities within the classroom and beyond to develop into young people who will contribute positively to our local, national and global communities.
Jo Brooks, Principal
Mascalls Academy is a dynamic, forward-thinking academy which aims to prepare students for the challenges they will face after school and enable them to acquire life skills, self-awareness and compassion. We want our students to not only make the most of their abilities, but also to become adults who can make a valuable contribution to society over the course of their adult lives. We celebrate each individual student and aim to ensure that they leave the academy as confident young adults who have high self-esteem and are prepared for the next stage in their lives. Our staff are extraordinarily hard-working and go beyond the call of duty to help each student reach their full potential.
We are also proud of the pastoral care we provide for our students. We value them as individuals and do everything in our power to make their time here as happy as possible and to help them cope with the ups and downs of different stages of life through to adulthood. We have very positive relationships with our students’ parents and believe very strongly that by working closely with them, we can support their children most effectively.